Scout Road Academy - Admission Appeals

Admissions policy

Admission appeals for Scout Road Academy are managed by the Admissions Officer, Children and Young People's Services.

It is the Authority's aim to offer your child a place at your preferred school. However, if more applications are received than there are places available at your preferred school, and your child is not offered a place at that school after applying the admission criteria, you have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. These panels are set up in accordance with the requirements of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 the School Admission Appeals Code.

It is not necessary to provide full details of your reasons for appealing at this stage. Further information regarding the appeal process will be provided by the relevant admissions authority.

  • To appeal for a place at Scout Road Academy:
    • Write to the Academy (the admissions authority) up until 31st March 2025, as from 1st April 2025 all appeals should be directed to: The Admission Appeals Clerk, Together Learning Trust, c/o The Brooksbank School, Victoria Road, Elland, HX5 0QG or email



      Appeals should be addressed to the Admissions Officer Academy within 20 school days of receiving the decision letter from the local authority. 


      The Academy Trust shall ensure that parents and ‘relevant children’ will have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. The Appeals Panel will be Independent of the Academy Trust and is at present a panel set up by Calderdale MBC.


      Parents will receive advanced notification of the date and time of their appeal hearing, to which they can go and make their case. If they wish, parents may be accompanied by an advisor or friend who can be a locally elected politician.


      Following the appeal, the Clerk to the independent appeals panel will write to parents with the decision and full reasons for the decision. The decision of the independent appeals panel is binding and final.

You may present your appeal in person or have someone else present the case for you, or request that a written appeal be considered.

The Appeals Panel will take all your reasons and the admission authority's admission arrangements into consideration when reaching its decision. The Appeals Panel's decision will be completely independent of any previous decision taken by the admissions authority and will be binding upon all parties, that is the Local Authority (governors in the case of foundation schools and voluntary aided, academy trusts in the case of academies) and the parents/guardians.

Only one appeal per school, in the same academic year, will be considered unless the relevant admissions authority believes there have been significant changes in circumstances relevant to the application. Appeals for multiple schools can be submitted.


Dear interested party,

I am writing to notify you of the upcoming consultation on the school’s admissions policy. The consultation period will run from 21st October 2024 until 1st December 2024. During this time, interested parties are invited to express their views and any concerns about the admission arrangements at Scout Road Academy.

In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, as a school we must consult on our admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years.

There are no proposed changes to our admission arrangements for 2026/27 and beyond.  Consultation is being conducted as it is 7 years since we last consulted.


A full version of the admission arrangements is attached and is also available to view on the school website or in hard copy from the school office.

In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation will run for at least six weeks and, as an interested party of Scout Road Academy, we are keen to hear your views on our admission arrangements; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.

All responses to the consultation should be made in writing and submitted before 9am on 2nd December 2024 to:

Please note that written responses should outline your personal details, including your name, address and relationship to the school.

At the end of the consultation period, the Trust Board will meet to consider responses. The outcome of the consultation will be published on the school website as soon as possible following a decision being reached by the board

For further information regarding the consultation process, please refer to the Schools Admission Code. If you wish to further discuss this matter, or anything mentioned in this letter, please contact J Webb - Director of Operations and Compliance on

Yours sincerely,


Mrs G Blagbrough


Scout Road Academy - Admission Appeals

Admissions policy

Admission appeals for Scout Road Academy are managed by the Admissions Officer, Children and Young People's Services.

It is the Authority's aim to offer your child a place at your preferred school. However, if more applications are received than there are places available at your preferred school, and your child is not offered a place at that school after applying the admission criteria, you have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. These panels are set up in accordance with the requirements of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 the School Admission Appeals Code.

It is not necessary to provide full details of your reasons for appealing at this stage. Further information regarding the appeal process will be provided by the relevant admissions authority.

  • To appeal for a place at Scout Road Academy:
    • Write to the Academy (the admissions authority) up until 31st March 2025, as from 1st April 2025 all appeals should be directed to: The Admission Appeals Clerk, Together Learning Trust, c/o The Brooksbank School, Victoria Road, Elland, HX5 0QG or email



      Appeals should be addressed to the Admissions Officer Academy within 20 school days of receiving the decision letter from the local authority. 


      The Academy Trust shall ensure that parents and ‘relevant children’ will have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. The Appeals Panel will be Independent of the Academy Trust and is at present a panel set up by Calderdale MBC.


      Parents will receive advanced notification of the date and time of their appeal hearing, to which they can go and make their case. If they wish, parents may be accompanied by an advisor or friend who can be a locally elected politician.


      Following the appeal, the Clerk to the independent appeals panel will write to parents with the decision and full reasons for the decision. The decision of the independent appeals panel is binding and final.

You may present your appeal in person or have someone else present the case for you, or request that a written appeal be considered.

The Appeals Panel will take all your reasons and the admission authority's admission arrangements into consideration when reaching its decision. The Appeals Panel's decision will be completely independent of any previous decision taken by the admissions authority and will be binding upon all parties, that is the Local Authority (governors in the case of foundation schools and voluntary aided, academy trusts in the case of academies) and the parents/guardians.

Only one appeal per school, in the same academic year, will be considered unless the relevant admissions authority believes there have been significant changes in circumstances relevant to the application. Appeals for multiple schools can be submitted.


Dear interested party,

I am writing to notify you of the upcoming consultation on the school’s admissions policy. The consultation period will run from 21st October 2024 until 1st December 2024. During this time, interested parties are invited to express their views and any concerns about the admission arrangements at Scout Road Academy.

In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, as a school we must consult on our admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years.

There are no proposed changes to our admission arrangements for 2026/27 and beyond.  Consultation is being conducted as it is 7 years since we last consulted.


A full version of the admission arrangements is attached and is also available to view on the school website or in hard copy from the school office.

In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation will run for at least six weeks and, as an interested party of Scout Road Academy, we are keen to hear your views on our admission arrangements; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.

All responses to the consultation should be made in writing and submitted before 9am on 2nd December 2024 to:

Please note that written responses should outline your personal details, including your name, address and relationship to the school.

At the end of the consultation period, the Trust Board will meet to consider responses. The outcome of the consultation will be published on the school website as soon as possible following a decision being reached by the board

For further information regarding the consultation process, please refer to the Schools Admission Code. If you wish to further discuss this matter, or anything mentioned in this letter, please contact J Webb - Director of Operations and Compliance on

Yours sincerely,


Mrs G Blagbrough


Scout Road Academy - Admission Appeals

Admissions policy

Admission appeals for Scout Road Academy are managed by the Admissions Officer, Children and Young People's Services.

It is the Authority's aim to offer your child a place at your preferred school. However, if more applications are received than there are places available at your preferred school, and your child is not offered a place at that school after applying the admission criteria, you have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. These panels are set up in accordance with the requirements of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 the School Admission Appeals Code.

It is not necessary to provide full details of your reasons for appealing at this stage. Further information regarding the appeal process will be provided by the relevant admissions authority.

  • To appeal for a place at Scout Road Academy:
    • Write to the Academy (the admissions authority) up until 31st March 2025, as from 1st April 2025 all appeals should be directed to: The Admission Appeals Clerk, Together Learning Trust, c/o The Brooksbank School, Victoria Road, Elland, HX5 0QG or email



      Appeals should be addressed to the Admissions Officer Academy within 20 school days of receiving the decision letter from the local authority. 


      The Academy Trust shall ensure that parents and ‘relevant children’ will have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. The Appeals Panel will be Independent of the Academy Trust and is at present a panel set up by Calderdale MBC.


      Parents will receive advanced notification of the date and time of their appeal hearing, to which they can go and make their case. If they wish, parents may be accompanied by an advisor or friend who can be a locally elected politician.


      Following the appeal, the Clerk to the independent appeals panel will write to parents with the decision and full reasons for the decision. The decision of the independent appeals panel is binding and final.

You may present your appeal in person or have someone else present the case for you, or request that a written appeal be considered.

The Appeals Panel will take all your reasons and the admission authority's admission arrangements into consideration when reaching its decision. The Appeals Panel's decision will be completely independent of any previous decision taken by the admissions authority and will be binding upon all parties, that is the Local Authority (governors in the case of foundation schools and voluntary aided, academy trusts in the case of academies) and the parents/guardians.

Only one appeal per school, in the same academic year, will be considered unless the relevant admissions authority believes there have been significant changes in circumstances relevant to the application. Appeals for multiple schools can be submitted.


Dear interested party,

I am writing to notify you of the upcoming consultation on the school’s admissions policy. The consultation period will run from 21st October 2024 until 1st December 2024. During this time, interested parties are invited to express their views and any concerns about the admission arrangements at Scout Road Academy.

In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, as a school we must consult on our admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years.

There are no proposed changes to our admission arrangements for 2026/27 and beyond.  Consultation is being conducted as it is 7 years since we last consulted.


A full version of the admission arrangements is attached and is also available to view on the school website or in hard copy from the school office.

In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation will run for at least six weeks and, as an interested party of Scout Road Academy, we are keen to hear your views on our admission arrangements; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.

All responses to the consultation should be made in writing and submitted before 9am on 2nd December 2024 to:

Please note that written responses should outline your personal details, including your name, address and relationship to the school.

At the end of the consultation period, the Trust Board will meet to consider responses. The outcome of the consultation will be published on the school website as soon as possible following a decision being reached by the board

For further information regarding the consultation process, please refer to the Schools Admission Code. If you wish to further discuss this matter, or anything mentioned in this letter, please contact J Webb - Director of Operations and Compliance on

Yours sincerely,


Mrs G Blagbrough
